Animal Spirit
Vector Graphic exploring shape and design of a Sandpiper. Final target designs are applied to various product MockUps such as stickers and rubber stamps to create visual balance, and to highlight and emphasize the characteristics that make up a Sandpiper.​​​​​​​
Details of target designs on product.
Images are researched to base preliminary value studies by hand on paper,
Vector Build  Grayscale + Color: Images are translated into a layered vector illustration that is then translated into various color interpretations.
Decal Design: Form is reduced, abstracted and simplified to create a graphic balance of positive and negative space for a solid fill decal design.
Simplified designs are then recolored implementing numerous color harmonies, gradients and textures.
Product Mock-Ups: Final Target Design is applied to various Photoshop Mock-Ups exploring composition, scale, color, repetition and emphasis., and are printed as stickers for trade.
Animal Spirit


Animal Spirit
